Through the Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family Room programs, RMHC provides places for families with sick children to stay just steps from the hospitals where they are receiving critical medical care. In 2016, RMHC provided 2.4 million overnight stays to families. These stays wouldn’t be possible without our help! So I want to help you find something you love doing, and turn that into a fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities!
Bake Sale
I love baking goodies, and my kids love eating goodies. Having a bake sale in conjunction with a garage sale or some kind of special event at a school or local business is sure to attraction a lot of customers. Make signs and be sure your customers know that the proceeds to your bake sale are going to the RMHC. People are usually more willing to give when they know their money is going to a good cause.

How much fun would it be to exercise with family and friends and be making money for a charity? Take pledges from family, friends, neighbors, teachers, community members, online friends and even strangers. Have them donate a certain amount per lap you walk/run on a track or the walking path around the local lake and then make a fun night of it.
Candy Bar Sales
If you’ve ever walked down the candy aisle of a warehouse club, you will find specific boxes of candy that are meant for fundraisers. Included in those boxes are everything you need to get started: candy, collection envelop and an box with a handle for easy carrying. By selling candy to your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors to can make some easy money to donate!
Host an Online Fundraiser Event
Birthday’s are fun and often friends and family want to help you celebrate. On your Birthday Facebook will suggest you dedicate your birthday to fundraising for your favorite charity. Since everyone on your friend list is able to see that it’s your birthday they will see that you dedicated that birthday to fundraising. It’s a really simple process for people wanting to donate. They simply click the donate button and Facebook automatically takes them to the payment page. This also makes it easy for your friends to share this fundraiser with their friends and greatly spread the word!! I had one friend do this for his birthday instead of gifts and he ended up raising over $3000 for his charity!
This is how I have decided to help my local Kansas City Ronald McDonald House Charity. I know so many families are in need and I want to help out my own community. Setting up the fundraiser on Facebook was super easy. Simply type fundraiser into the search bar and click on the Facebook fundraiser app that comes up. You can search through a list of non-profit charities and easily set a goal and start sharing the fundraiser with everyone on Facebook. It is so quick, so easy and really exciting. I’ve donated $50 to my Fundraiser and set a goal of an additional $100. You can donate to my fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kansas City here.
Put on a Show
My kids LOVE to put on shows. They will come up with little song and dance numbers. Sometimes they will even come up with a skit. My kids also play the piano. Make a fun little night of it. Invite your friends and family over for the show. Charge a small admission (even 50 cents per person is contributing and every little bit counts!) Enjoy this wonderful evening together that I’m sure will provide a lot of laughs.
Teach a Lesson
Have a skill you can share with others? Talented at something you can teach? Offer some lessons and donate the money you make. If you can play a musical instrument teach some lessons and donate the money. I just taught myself to juggle (I won’t be joining the circus, but I’m ok at it), so now I can teach someone else how to juggle. You’ll be helping a lot of people with this method – the person your teaching and the charity that is benefitting from the money you’ll soon donate.
Spare Change
Simply ask people for their spare change. I know I usually just throw change in my purse when I get it so I probably have a couple dollars sitting there. Ask people you meet and come in contact with. Set the change jar out in the break room at work to collect spare change there. Let them know why you are collecting it and maybe they will give you more than just spare change.

By doing something fun and something you love, it’s easy to fundraise for a good cause! Learn more about Ronald McDonald House Charities here and consider donating to my fundraiser.
Kelly Stilwell says
These are all such great ideas. It’s important to teach our kids about helping others at a young age, too. I love that you are teaching your kids to care about those who are less fortunate.
Kerrie Mendoza says
Great tips – love the idea of teaching lessons for a charitable donation – I hadn’t thought of that. Bake sales are always really popular – as are yard sales!
Kristi says
Great ideas. I like the spare change idea, it really can add up quite fast and it doesn’t feel like you are asking for much so people don’t mind giving that.
Vera Sweeney says
These are great ideas. I love bake sales. No one can say know to delicious baked goods.
Hali says
These are such great ideas, and great to do with our children. Love that a little can go a long way to help someone else.
Lux G. says
We need more kind and generous people nowadays. These are marvelous ideas. And I think we need to let our kids be part of giving as early as now.