If you are a young parent, you can definitely relate how hard it is to feed your child. Stress and anxiety can be lessened through the food that you serve. Food is able to stimulate hormones and chemicals in the body that will make you function better and become more happy and productive. You would need to have recipes that are nutritious and can easily be made at home. Feeding your child can be a daunting task since you need to choose the right food to give them proper nourishment. Here are some recipes you can use to make your kids eat more and become healthier.
Peanut butter stuffed apples
Apples are rich in vitamin C that will keep you away from infections. It is also a rich source of dietary fiber to guard against cholesterol build-up. In addition, apples also contain quercitin which has been known to help reduce fatigue and other symptoms of depression and anxiety. Your kids will enjoy apples if you take out the core and fill it with a mixture of a quarter cup of peanut butter, a tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of raisins and some semisweet chocolate chips. Peanut butter has resveratrol that can lower bad cholesterol.
Chicken burgers
Chicken has tyrosine that can be used to make dopamine in the brain, which is known to fight depression. Make patties out of the ground chicken minus the chicken skin which is a source of bad cholesterol. Fry them and serve it with hamburger buns. It would be great to serve it with whole wheat buns since it does not spike up the blood sugar unlike regular burger buns.
Good ol’ spaghetti and meat balls
Red meat is rich in selenium which may reduce depression and anxiety. On the other hand, these whole wheat spaghetti noodles contain good carbohydrates which have been known to boost the production of serotonin which is also a feel-good neurotransmitter that helps relieve people from anxiety and depression. Get a pound of ground beef made into balls and fry it using two tablespoons of olive oil. Cook a pound of whole wheat spaghetti noodles according to instructions to get good carbohydrates. Heat a pack of spaghetti sauce and combine it with the fried meatballs. Tomato-based spaghetti sauce is rich in lycopene which reduces the risk of certain cancers.
Oyster fritters
Oysters are rich in iodine that can fight goiter and sharpen your kid’s mind. It has vitamin B12 which gives you more strength. Moreover, oysters also contain vitamin b12 which plays a significant role in the production of brain chemicals that help regulate one’s mood and enhance other cognitive functions. On the contrary, a deficiency in vitamin b12 will make a person vulnerable to anxiety and depression. Deep fry one and a half cup of chopped oysters that were coated with a mixture two beaten eggs, a cup of milk, two cups of flour sifted, two teaspoons of baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt. Cook the coated oysters until golden brown.
Grilled fish fillet
Fish has Omega 3 fatty acid which is good for the heart. It also has vitamin B12 and a host of micronutrients such as thiamin, riboflavin and folate. It guards the body from being destroyed from bouts of depression. Enjoy the health benefits of fish by grilling half a pound of fish fillet that you can buy from groceries. Marinate it first with a mixture of a tablespoon of soy sauce, a clove of crushed garlic and a lemon overnight and stored in the refrigerator.
Kids will love it if you serve the food with some artistry. Remember to fill the eyes and the stomach will follow. Serving your kids with foods that contain the right amount of nutrients can protect them not just from the symptoms of stress, anxiety or depression but also from other diseases. Knowing how food nourishes is important for a parent who wants the best for his or her children.
About the Author:
Ryan Rivera used to suffer from panic attacks for seven years. He now advocates healthy living as the best weapon against anxiety and depression. You can read more of his articles at Calm Clinic.