For each of my children, I have worked with them at home on their academic skills to help supplement what they are learning at school as well as help get them as prepared as possible before beginning school. With that being said, I am pretty particular when it comes to the types of items I choose to help with the teaching I do at home. Not only do I want my children to learn valuable skills, but I want them to have a great time doing so. This way, they will develop a true love for learning.
Learning Resources is a name I have come to trust. In their “Learning Essentials” line, they have a specific product call “Alphabet Acorns Activity Set.” This seventy eight piece set allows for various fun and exciting ways for your child to not only learn letters, but words too! Each acorn has a capital letter on the outside, a lowercase letter on the inside of the removable top, and a small figure inside each acorn beginning with the letter contained on the specific acorn.
Here are a few of the product specifics:
–Features upper and lowercase letters
–Color-coded figures correspond to letters
–Stack for early work building and place in alphabetical order
–Teaches beginning letters
–Encourages hands on exploration
–78 piece set includes: 26 two piece acorns; 26 color coded figures
The set also includes an activity guide. My mind has been whirling around in anticipation with the numerous beneficial ways I can use this set to teach valuable skills to my younger children. The Alphabet Acorns Activity Set is rated for grades PreK+ or 3+; however, I know they can be used for slightly older children to reinforce learned skills and brush up on a few things before school starts. Some of the skills this learning resource helps to develop are: letter recognition, upper and lowercase letters, and fine motor skills.
You can begin by facilitating some activities with your children, although after a while children can play by themselves or with each other to inadvertently strengthen their cognitive abilities all while they think they are just having fun! Shhh! 😉